Call for Papers: Central European Economic Journal

Call for Papers: Central European Economic Journal

Call for Papers: Central European Economic Journal

Gender and Parenthood in the context of Public Policy


Tue, 03/15/2022 – 12:00


Women in different countries face different challenges in the labour market due to historical, institutional, and cultural specificities. For this reason, policies which were successful in improving gender equality in one country might not bring the desired outcomes in another country. To tailor labour market policies, it is important to gain an accurate picture of how the historical, institutional, and cultural characteristics impact the effectiveness of various policies aimed at decreasing gender inequalities. With this call for papers, they invite research which addresses the situation of women in the labour market of different countries, paying special attention to the factors which influence women’s employment, occupation, and earnings. They welcome empirical research addressing any aspect of these relationships that contributes to our knowledge of these phenomena and has relevant implications for regional policymaking. Single country as well as comparative studies are welcome with a special focus on Central and Eastern European countries, which display growing heterogeneity in women’s performance in the labour market and which are still poorly understood.

Why submit to the CEEJ?

Central European Economic Journal publishes original theoretical and empirical research papers in the field of economics as well as at the intersection of economics and sociology, demography, political science, law and management. The journal accepts papers which fall under (but are not restricted to) the following research areas: macro- and microeconomics, labour market research, international trade, population studies, public sector economics, public policies, health, gender, ecological economics, finance, accounting, managerial economics. CEEJ addresses the broad international community, but especially welcomes papers which focus on socio-economic problems relevant for Central and Eastern Europe, including the European transition countries.

  • The CEEJ is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, free of charge, available at the Sciendo/DeGruyter Open Platform and at . The CEEJ offers:
  • Open access to all published articles;
  • Transparent, comprehensive and fast double-blind peer-review process;
  • Convenient and widely known web-based manuscript submission and tracking system (ScholarOne);
  • Access to an efficient route for fast-tracking publication, taking full advantage of Sciendo’s publishing platform with language verification;
  • Free submission of papers and no charge for the article processing charges (APCs).


To submit your manuscript, use their ScholarOne system

In the cover letter inform them that your manuscript is submitted as part of Call for Papers with Guest Editors Anna Lovasz and Barbara Pertold-Gebicka.

The deadline for submitting papers is 15th March 2022

Each article should be prepared in accordance with the guidance given in the “Instructions for Authors” section of their website: If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Guest Editors: Anna Lovasz: or Barbara Pertold-Gebicka: or CEEJ Editorial Office:

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